Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jourama Falls national park, 31 May – 2 June

The little campground at the Jourama Falls was very basic (therefore very cheap) but lovely as we had so much space! It is a good change/break from standard caravan parks. The waterfalls and pools there were nice.
The morning we were leaving we recognized the caravan parked next to us: it was the caravan from the family we met at Seventeen Seventy! What a lovely coincidence to meet them there!

We enjoyed big Crystal creek a lot as it had a natural rock slide! The water was cold but it was worth the experience. We saw a few beautiful blue butterflies there too.

The girls were asleep by the time we drove up to the Paluma national park so we only did a quick stop to check the lookout. We were starving but unfortunately there were no cafe or restaurants open so we drove down to the Bruce highway again, had a quick look at little Crystal creek and decided to stop for late lunch at the Frosty Mango cafe. Yummy ice creams! (especially the lime basil!).

Mission beach, June 2-5

The caravan park was very close to the beach and has great views onto Dunk island.
The family we met again at the Jourama falls were going there as well, which was very nice.
Annabelle turned 2 on June, 4th so we had little birthday party with their kids. And this time, the cake was homemade, baked in the camp kitchen oven! Annabelle was happy with her chocolate cake decorated with animal legos on top.

Dunk Island, June 5-8

It only took us 10 minutes by water taxi to get to Dunk Island, which was great.The water taxi had a tropical holiday feel about it, just imagine, shoes off, you're in your swimmers, it's warm, the sun shines, palm trees behind you and you're on a little white boat heading to a tropical island with reggae music blasting from the speakers.
Dunk island is very green and there are a few long walks to do (around the island and inside).
The resort was very nice and we all enjoyed a bit more space, and not having to shop, cook and wash the dishes for a little while.
The main beach was very scenic and the views were stunning.

The 4 of us did a bit of paddling boat . Manfred and I tried the paddling ski. We enjoyed it a lot as we could see quite some turtles from it as well as a few fishes. Manfred even saw a little reef shark!

The highlight for the girls I think was the little farm. They loved the horses, donkeys, the pig, the guinea pigs, and the goat!
There used to be a milk farm up there.

Paronella park, June 9-10

I loved the place! A must see if you are in the area!
In 1929 a Spanish man built a magnificent castle and gardens by a very nice waterfall. Day and night tours make you discover its beautiful and magical ruins and it's past...

They are using a hydro generator from 1933 to produce electricity for the park and camping site.
On our way to Cairns we stopped for a walk at the Babinda boulders (waterfalls and swimming holes). On the track were signs about stinging trees and how bad they will hurt, even the trees are trying to get you in QLD.
A short stop at one of the nice beaches on the way and then a stop at a Deli in Innisfail, yum yum.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bowen, Townsville, 26-31 May

The beach was very inviting at Horseshoe bay near Bowen: beautiful rock formation, very clear sea, which was perfect for a bit of snorkeling. Nina  was very excited to try her goggles in the sea and find fish in the water and coral but after a short while she was a bit cold and wanted to get out.

I climbed up the little hill to check the view from the lookout: it was very nice.

In Rowes bay, lovely part of Townsville, we caught up with Manfred's niece and partner who are also traveling through part of the country. We ended up staying there for a few days.
I really liked the look of the big hill of Townsville and found out too late that we could have driven up there (there is a lookout).
We all liked the Strand (rockpool and picnic/BBQ area) and the little water park close by. Nina is still scared of those big water splashes and she was half enjoying half dreading the water features. Poor Annabelle had a rough introduction to the water when a bigger boy just grabbed her and put her under a little water mushroom. You should have seen the expression on her little face.
Next day we had a look at 2 of the northern beaches (Bushland and Saunders). There were signs about stingers all year round on those beaches so we didn’t go swimming although it was pretty hot.
On Sunday we checked out the Townsville market before visiting Reef HQ aquarium. It was worth a visit. They have a nice little area for kids (play area, educative games).

Conway beach, 22-26 May

We stayed at a peaceful caravan park at Conway beach, about half an hour away from busy Airlie beach. Nina and Annabelle had fun with the waterslide and we had fun with the big BBQ that was organised for everyone on the campsite and the mozzies had loads of fun as well.
The weather was beautiful so we decided to book at day cruise to Hamilton Island and Whitehaven beach.

We got married 5 years ago on Hamilton so it was nice to be back (and this time with the girls) and take a few pictures in front of the chapel.

We spent the morning on the island and ventured out to beautiful Whitehaven beach in the afternoon.

Mackay-Bucasia, 19-22 May

While the caravan was at the garage for repair we drove to Sarina beach and had a look at Hay Point and Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminals. Those two terminals are the largest coal export facilities in the world. There is a viewing platform where the impressive handling and export activity can be viewed.

Next day we had a nice picnic and walk at the Finch Hatton gorge, where a Kookaburra stole a sandwich out of our neighbors hand and left him with a bleeding finger. Great bushwalking at Finch Hatton Gorge and Manfred took a quick dip in one of the water holes, cold..... Next stop was Broken river in the Eungella national park to try and spot some platypus. And lucky us saw a few of them pretty easily. We even spotted two water snakes, definitely not a swimming spot.

Our kiddies enjoyed the camping spot at Bucasia Beach where Annabelle fed the Lorikeets and the 2 had fun in the bath - sink.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yeppoon, 12-19 May

We had a very nice and relaxing week in Yeppoon and again had a great spot on a beachfront campsite with views to Great Keppel island.
We caught up with a friend who moved from Sydney to Yeppoon a few years ago. Was very nice to catch up with her!

Nina kept talking about her Grandma's little white hamster and our friend offered Nina and Annabelle a fantastic little present, two little hamsters that run around the caravan and make funny noises. The kids love them and keep racing the hamsters around the van, inside and out.

The girls loved the many crabs on the beach and the shells. They enjoyed painting a few shells one morning.

We went to a cute little wildlife park near Yeppoon, Cooberrie,  and the girls enjoyed feeding the kangaroos.

The Capricorn resort welcomes day guests and they have great resort pools, the girls liked the jacuzzy the most! (so did Manfred)
If you drive to the Yeppoon Marina you'll find some amazing views. The drive to Emu Park along the coast is fantastic.

We spent an afternoon at Stony Creek and had a nice picnic there after a little bushwalk.

Bundaberg, 6-8 May & Seventeen Seventy, 8-12 May


Absolute sugar cane land!  Or sugar grass as Annabelle calls them!
We had 2 relaxing days. A bit of a wander in town to do a bit of shopping.

Seventeen Seventy

We spent 4 relaxing days at a beachfront campsite of Seventeen Seventy. The views, the sunset were amazing. It is the place that put us in a holiday mood.
We went on a few bike rides: to Agnes Water, the town next to 1770; to a local market ; and to a beach nearby.

Funnily we already knew the people next to us in the campsite: (we met them on Fraser island).
We had a mini party for Ninas 4th birthday so we invited their kids over to share the cake. Nina was happy.

The next day we went on a day cruise to Lady Musgrave island on the southern great barrier reef. Unfortunately both girls got very sea sick on the way to the island! But the rest of the day was very enjoyable: snorkelling (Manfred saw many turtles), coral viewing from a glass bottom boat, semi submarine tour, guided island walk.