Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tin Can bay, 4-6 May

Not to be missed: the feeding of the dolphins! The first day we had to wait for a few hours  for them to come. Only one dolphin came and we fed him.
The next day we went back to the bay and were very lucky: 2 of them this time had just come in. Nina was very happy to feed one of them again.
The girls also loved the playground by the sea!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rainbow beach and Fraser Island, April, 25 –May, 4

The first few days at Rainbow beach were spent  getting ready for tent camping on Fraser. Manfred had to dig all our camping gear out of the caravan first then unpack the car, and repack it.
Then we were off to beautiful Fraser!

On Fraser, we stayed in the bush at the Central station campsite, very nice spot. We setup the tent to sleep and a little flyscreen tent next to it where we used to eat, away from the mozzies. Nina and Annabelle liked the tent a lot.
And then just imagine...It was dark outside, the moon is out, and suddenly you hear a dingo howl that seemed pretty close!  Luckily the campsite was fenced in.

Lake McKenzie was closed  unfortunately but we found another lake (Lake Birrabeen) that was as nice. Nice clear water. Annabelle happily swam in it. I think she thought she was in the Fiji pool again!
We were most impressed by the girls the next day when they walked about 2.5 kms return to the Lake Wabby! It was well worth it. Amazing dune by the lake.

The girls didn’t mind the slow bumpy drive through the forest at all. But I think the Toyota was happy to have a bit of a rest and drive along the beach sometimes.  On the coast we saw a few things: the Maheno shipwreck, the colourful sands,  Eli creek (Nina will long remember it as she tried to catch tiny baby frogs with her hands, she loved it!).
One evening we were lucky as we saw a dingo on the beach.

Those 4 days on Fraser were very enjoyable. The weather was very nice too, so that helped too.

Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, April 20-25

The Dietrichs are now on the Sunshine Coast!
We stayed at Mooloolaba, cute little town with great waterfront esplanade.

The next day was very rainy unfortunately so we decided to bring the girls to an indoor play center.  They had lots of fun. First center we went to since we left Sydney.

 We spent a day at the Australia zoo but we were a bit disappointed. The zoo in general didn’t have anything special to offer and the croc and bird show wasn’t very impressive.
In the evening we drove to a lookout to see the Glasshouse mountains. Beautiful! Captain Cook named them glasshouse mountains as they reminded him of the mountains from his hometown.

Memorable was the next day when we saw a koala while walking along the beautiful coastal track at the Noosa national park. How lucky! It was a nice sunny day and many surfers were out. Seemed like the perfect spot to surf! If you don’t mind being close to the rocks though...

We made it to the Saturday Eumundi market, apparently the biggest market in Australia. Great markets they were, with clothing, craft, gourmet food and fresh farm produce.  Just a pity that it rained! You should have seen the size of the parking!