Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Brisbane, 18-20 April

We stayed in a very pleasant campsite close to Brisbane.
We explored a bit of the city on both days: a lot of walking was involved (but with the girls in the pram).We quite enjoyed our visit of the city, especially the South Bank area close to the university.
What we found great were the street beaches (pools) next to the river. We didn’t get to swim but they looked very inviting.
South Bank has great picnic/BBQ areas and an extensive choice of restaurants and cafes, and we even found Crepes, yum yum.

I saw the Old Windmill, the oldest surviving structure in Queensland! (dated around 1826 I think)!

1 comment:

  1. Ouah, les miss avec les chapeaux et les glaces a la paille.. trop bien!! Les miennes sont dans le meme etat. il faut super chad depuis 3 semaines chez nous.. incroyable... GREG
