Thursday, April 8, 2010

Back to Oz, on the road again, 24-26 March

We caught up with friends in Sydney the day we flew back from Fiji, then drove back south to Burradoo near Mittagong in the evening where our caravan was patiently waiting for the next adventure :-)
We said good bye to our friends the next morning and ended up in a garage in Bowral 20 minutes later! (the speedometer wasn't working). Luckily the problem was minor and it got fixed.
That night, we didn't make it very far. We went for a lovely meal at the Mooney Mooney club just off the highway. We showered the girls there, got them ready for bed and continued driving a bit.
We didn't go to a camping that night, we parked on a rest area off the pacific highway direction north this time (Ourimba). Our route has changed. We are now going north direction Queensland so we can enjoy a few more warm months.

The next day we did a big drive to Smith Lakes to catch up with our friends Sandra and Ole.

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