Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jourama Falls national park, 31 May – 2 June

The little campground at the Jourama Falls was very basic (therefore very cheap) but lovely as we had so much space! It is a good change/break from standard caravan parks. The waterfalls and pools there were nice.
The morning we were leaving we recognized the caravan parked next to us: it was the caravan from the family we met at Seventeen Seventy! What a lovely coincidence to meet them there!

We enjoyed big Crystal creek a lot as it had a natural rock slide! The water was cold but it was worth the experience. We saw a few beautiful blue butterflies there too.

The girls were asleep by the time we drove up to the Paluma national park so we only did a quick stop to check the lookout. We were starving but unfortunately there were no cafe or restaurants open so we drove down to the Bruce highway again, had a quick look at little Crystal creek and decided to stop for late lunch at the Frosty Mango cafe. Yummy ice creams! (especially the lime basil!).

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