Monday, October 18, 2010

Emma gorge and El Questro in the east Kimberleys, Sept 11-14

We drove all the way to Wyndam to have a look at the Five rivers lookout. Amazing view of all the rivers. It was very hot when we were there.

We then made our way to Emma gorge where we stayed for 3 nights. We booked a cute little pre-erected tent luckily with power for a fan as the days were hot.
What a setting! We were right in front of the walk to the gorge.

The walk to the gorge was about 3kms return and was very nice. Although it was hot, the girls walked very well, the track was pretty tough for those little legs. We took our backpack baby carrier for Annabelle, which was a good idea. The gorge was quite similar to Jim Jim falls in Kakadu.
The water was cold but it didn't matter at all, on the contrary it was the perfect temperature to cool off after the walk.

The next day we explored the El Questro gorge. Manfred like that walk better than Emma gorge but I found it more challenging with the many rocks.
The girls still walked amazingly well. We got to the lower gorge and I had a nice break and a little swim with the girls, while Manfred challenged himself by walking to the upper gorge. We couldn't have brought the kids there.
There was apparently quite a lot of challenging climbing involved. The upper gorge looked great from the pictures he took.

One morning there was a nice surprise for the girls in our tent: a green frog. And guess what? She was in the toilet!
We managed to get her out of there and all wondered how she had ended up there. We released her into the bush again and the girls had fun watching her. Guess where she went to? The water pipe! Where she had probably come through to end on the toilet...

We took the Toyota on a very nice 4WD track to the saddleback lookout. The lookout was nice but I think I enjoyed the drive to it more.

The Chamberlain gorge that we accessed by boat cruise was also well worth going to. We got tons of great information about the area, and crocodiles in general.
The girls liked feeding the Archer fish and they giggled everytime one of them spitted some water out! That was funny!
I liked the sparkling wine too. It gave a good atmosphere on the boat.

We finished the day with a nice dinner at the Steakhouse of the El Questro station.

The 3 days in the east Kimberleys were very nice despite the heat.
Before we left the region we went for a dip at the Zebedee hotsprings: a little heaven with palm trees and bath water.

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