Monday, October 18, 2010

Litchfield, August 18-20

We had a great time in Litchfield. It was great to have some family with us. The girls had a lot of fun with Jonas, Karen and Dushi. The first gorge we saw in Litchfield was Florence gorge: busy but nice. Then we had a quick look at Bluey rock hole, very nice too.
In the evening light, we drove to the Magnetic termite mounds. The termites were huge! The girls liked them a lot.

Wangi falls was my favourite spot: beautiful falls and swimming hole. Very picturesque.

We did a bit of 4W driving to get to Sandy creek waterfalls but the girls fell asleep in the car when we got there so only Manfred and Jonas walked the 1.7kms to see the waterfalls.
Manfred found them very nice too. The rangers did some backburning and on the way back we were driving past the bushfires, so close to us, so impressive.

We finished the day with a quick look at the Toma falls lookout.

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