Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bungle Bungle in the Kimberleys, Sept 15-16

Our next destination after Kununurra was Turkey creek (Warmun being the aboriginal name).

We left the caravan in storage there for 1 night as we planned to camp at the Bungle Bungle (Purnululu national park).
The 4WD to the Bungle Bungle was quite scenic, but also bumpy and long (about 2.5 hours!).
What an amazing rock formation!

We got there early enough to do one walk before setting up camp. We walked to the Echidna gorge (chasm). You can see how the rock split at some point creating a narrow chasm.

We had a memorable camping experience at the campgrounds that night. I dissuaded Manfred from setting up our big tent for just one night andconvinced him to setup the fly screen tent only. However, as we were putting it up, it started to rain so we threw our tent top/roof on it but with the wind and the weight, it started to collapse slowly...only to get more and more wet...with the girls underneath...

In the meantime I had a saucepan with water on the stove but the water didn't seem to boil!!! So I gave up the idea of cooking and decided to feed the girls and us some cereals. 

We all ended up eating in the car and also sleeping in the car! What a night! It brought back some memories of our flight to Europe.
The girls slept through the night actually so that was good. Only Manfred and I seemed to wake up with sore necks:-)

The next day we had a look at the Cathedral gorge and did the Dome walk. We met a lovely family with 2 kids from Perth (Manfred had met them already where we stored the caravan) and
ended up doing the walks together, which was lovely. The kids walked and walked without realizing the amount of steps they did as they were having so much fun.
What we saw that morning was well worth it.

We then left the Bungle Bungle and tackled the long drive back to Turkey creek. We all ended up staying at the same caravan park.

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