Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Between Turkey Creek and Broome, Sept 16-20

We had a great sleep at the Turkey creek caravan park, which made up for the previous uncomfortable sleep at the Bungle Bungle.
We said good bye to the lovely family we met at the Bungle Bungle as we were heading opposite directions.

On our way out I had a look at the Warmun art gallery, which seems to be a well-known contemporary aboriginal art gallery. More info on
Nice paintings!

Our next destination was Fitzroy crossing. The caravan park had lot's of space, which was nice for change, and the girls had fun cycling down the hill from the amenities block down to our caravan.

On our way out we drove to Geike gorge where I went on a cruise. I loved the cruise. It was another gorge but this time a different one as it is a reef!
We saw a lot of freshwater crocodiles, which was great.

Here is some info I found on Kimberley Australia travel guide:

The mighty Fitzroy River has carved a 30 metre deep gorge into the remains of the ancient limestone barrier reef that existed here in the Devonian period*.
*The Devonian is a geologic period and system of the Paleozoic Era spanning from 416 to 359.2 million years ago.

When the Fitzroy is in full flood during the wet season it covers the whole national park. Those floods rise over 16 metres up the gorge walls and the continuous rise and fall of the water has left the bottom of the walls bleached white, an intriguing sight which makes Geikie Gorge very popular with photographers.

Off to Broome after that! Back to a bit more civilization! Yippie!

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