Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cape Leveque, Sept 20-22

It got quite hot in Broome too but luckily the sea breeze made a difference.

We had one day to get organised with tent, food, etc and we were off to Cape Leveque for 2 nights with 11 other people!
On our way to Cape Leveque we stopped to see the Beagle Bay Sacred Heart Church with its pearl shell altar. And for those who have seen the film "Bran Nue Dae", one of the scene takes place in this church!

We had lunch at Middle harbour and went for a swim in the beautiful clear water. The beach was just beautiful!

At Cape Leveque (or Kooljaman ) part of the group set up camp at the campground up on the hill and the rest of the group stayed under tent shelters on the beach.
What a setting! We could have all stayed there for a week! Perfect place to relax and forget about all worries!
We had great common dinners and a few stories to share.

Next day we were off to the trochus hatchery and aquaculture center at One Arm point (aboriginal community): it was very informative. The kids enjoyed touching the shells, sea stars and sea cucumbers.
They also loved the turtles. Some of us fed the barramundi and  I was surprised by the sudden jump and bite they did when catching the fish.

I went snorkeling with some of the group one late afternoon and was amazed by the many beautiful fishes. I was a bit scared to meet or step on a dangerous stone fish but I enjoyed seeing so many colorful fish.

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