Sunday, January 23, 2011

Albany, Dec 2-6

We stayed a few days in Albany right on the beach but apart from the day we arrived, it wasn't beach weather!

One rainy morning we decided to go to an indoor playcenter. The girls had a ball.

We went for a drive to the Porongorup national park a bit inland: it is a little wine region with a lovely countryside. We had lunch in a quite remote Thai restaurant that some locals had recommended to us. Yum Yum.

The Sunday markets were one at the boatshed.There were beautiful fruits and vegetables, fish and great local produce.

We went for a drive one day and saw great views of the bay from one of the lookouts.

We drove to Frenchmans bay and had a look at a natural bridge formed by the rough sea and a blowhole.
We also had a quick look at the old whaling station, which is now a museum.

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