Saturday, January 15, 2011

Geraldton & Dongara/Port Denison, Nov 5-9

The countryside on the way to Geraldton was very nice: there were lot's of wheat fields.

We had a few relaxing days in Geraldton. The girls had lot's of fun at the playground on the beach close to the city center. Beautiful playground I must say, with a water feature area too!

I had a look at the cathedral: it looked pretty stunning inside and from the outside.

We checked the farmers market on the weekend. One of the stall was a lady selling chooks, mostly baby ones.
What amazed Nina and Annabelle and many other kids is that she let them walk free around the cage.
She let the girls pat and hold one chook so they were over the moon. They were even trying to catch some of them.
I had a quick chat with the lady and she gave me her business card and said we could come to her farm in Carmanah if we wanted to. We took her up on the offer and decided to visit her farm a few days later.

A day before going to the farm, we stayed at Dongara/Port Denison, which was very nice.
We had one of the best spot in the caravan park: right on the beach! It was lovely to fall asleep with the waves and the stars that night were amazing!

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