Saturday, January 15, 2011

Carnarvon, Oct 20-23

The town was founded in 1883, initially as a port and supply center for the surrounding region.
Carnarvon was a great place to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. There are quite a few farms open to the public on both sides of the Gascoyne river. One of the farm had some yummy homemade ice-creams and other yummy produces!

"Carnarvons hinterlands produce superb fresh fruit and vegetables; avocados, mangoes, pineapples, paw paws, melons, beans, dates, jojoba, macadamia nuts, tomatoes and pecans. The constant supply of water from the Gascoyne River helps grow these crops, undoubtedly some of the best tasting produce in the world."
Quote from Discover West Holidays.

Nina and Annabelle were happy there as the caravan park had a jumping castle!

We had a quick look at the Tracking station. Now try to explain what a tracking station is, to a curious 4 year old girl. Anyway here goes the quote:
"The Carnarvon Spacecraft Tracking Station built by NASA in 1963 was used in the Gemini program, which was the second step in NASA's program to put a human on the Moon.
Following the conclusion of the Gemini program, the Carnarvon Tracking Station provided extensive support for Project Apollo missions to the Moon." quote from

We also visited the one mile jetty that has been a favorite fishing spot for many years.

From Carnarvon we did a day trip to the Quobba blowhole. It's amazing what the force of the sea has created.

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